Walnut | வால்நட்


Walnut(in English) | Valnat (in Tamil) | वॉल्नट (in Hindi)

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Walnuts in Tamil | valnat | வால்நட் | Buy Online | Nutrition facts | Recipes  | health benefits

what is walnut in Tamil?

walnuts in tamil meaning வாதுமைக்கொட்டை

The Walnuts are the fruit of the walnut tree. It’s one of the commonly used nuts with a rich source of omega-3 fat.

We are selling walnut 1kg price வால்நட் விலை at wholesale rate. good quality at the best price. cash on delivery. 


walnuts in Tamil name வால்நட்

The 5  amazing walnut benefits

  1. Walnut fruit Prevented oxidative damage of “bad” LDL cholesterol due to its higher antioxidant activity.
  2. lowers the risk of dying from heart disease because of its higher omega-3 fat (alpha-linolenic acid)
  3. Help fight this oxidative stress and inflammation due to its polyphenols properties. oxidative stress is the root of many diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer
  4. Rich in health-promoting bacteria used for overall good health.
  5. Reduce your risk of certain cancers, including breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers.


benefits of walnuts in Tamil just using google translater 

Nutrition facts

                           Serving Size – 30 grams

  • Calories: 185
  • Water: 4%
  • Protein: 4.3 grams
  • Carbs: 3.9 grams
  • Sugar: 0.7 grams
  • Fiber: 1.9 grams
  • Fat: 18.5 grams

Walnuts Recipes

Candied Walnuts

A charming little snack and an easy yet tasty cake decoration choice are caramelized nuts. In a typical recipe, you would heat the sugar, and water, and dissolve the sugar before adding the nuts and stirring continually until everything turned golden. It takes some time and a lot of effort to accomplish this. To know more click here 

walnut barfi Recipe :

It is fairly comparable to any other dry fruit barfi recipe; the only difference is that this one uses a walnut mixture. It is an excellent and original Indian sweet recipe that can be prepared for any occasion and shared with loved ones as a gift or dessert food.

Firstly, dry roast cup of walnuts in skillet over low heat. Roast the nuts until they get slightly darker and crunchier.  Cool thoroughly before transferring and mixing into coarse powder in mixer. Secondly, boil 1/4 cup ghee in a big kadai and add the powdered walnuts. Sauté until all of the ghee has been absorbed on a low burner. Thirdly, Add 1/4 cup milk, 1/2 cup sugar, and few saffron threads. Mix everything in a continuous motion until well-combined. Stir continuously until the mixture has a silky smooth texture. The mixture thickens after 15 minutes.
and the mixture will begin to separate, causing the ghee to ooze out of the pan. now stir in 1/4 tsp of the cardamom powder. Cook the mixture just until it begins to take shape and become foamy. Place the mixture in a box with butter paper inside. After leveling it, sprinkle chopped walnuts on top. Once the halwa has set, gently push down and then wait 30 minutes. Finally, cut into the required form of parts.

When kept in an airtight container, walnut halwa lasts a week and is delicious. Click here to get a video on how to Prepare Candied Walnuts

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup (125 grams) walnut, ¼ cup ghee / clarified butter, ¾ cup milk, ½ cup sugar, few threads of saffron / kesar, ¼ tsp cardamom powder


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