Soy Milky Natural





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Soy Milk – Soy Milk Brand

  • Soy Milky is a delicious and nutritious lactose-free Product.
  • The plant-based beverage is made from natural soybeans.


Advanced technology to extract soy milk from the beans, eliminating the bitter and beany taste commonly associated with soy milk products in the process.

Substitute dairy milk with breakfast cereal, in coffee and tea, or in any recipe that uses milk.

Available in three delicious flavors: OriginalNaturalChocolateElaichi, and Tender Coconut.

Visit the Soy Milk website for recipes that use soy milk and nutrition information.


7 Benefits of Drinking Soya Milk

  • Soya milk is a great source of both protein and fiber, which are both essential for good health. Not only does protein help to build and repair muscles and bones, but it also keeps you feeling full for longer so that you don’t over-snack throughout the day.
  • Fiber aids digestion and can support weight loss, as well as lower cholesterol levels. As one cup of soya milk contains around 4 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber, it provides all these amazing benefits in one nutrient-dense beverage!
  • Additionally, soya milk is low in calories and fat which makes it a great choice for health-conscious individuals who are looking to cut down on their sugar intake.
  • It’s also a good source of many other key vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and B vitamins, making it an excellent nourishing choice for people of all ages.
  • What’s better, soya milk can be enjoyed hot or cold depending on your preference – making it one of the most versatile beverages out there!
  • Soya milk is particularly high in protein and fiber, which makes it an ideal source of nutrition for those who are looking to shed some extra pounds.
  • Protein and fiber help to keep you feeling full for longer, as well as provide your body with the necessary building blocks to build muscle. What’s more, research has indicated that soya protein can help reduce cholesterol levels and may even help lower blood pressure in healthy individuals.
  • All this means that adding a glass of soya milk to your everyday diet could give you all the benefits of an increased protein intake without having to step inside the gym!


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