UDHAIYAM Idli Rice 5kg


UDHAIYAM Idli Rice | உதயம் இட்லி அரிசி

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UDHAIYAM Idli Rice | Buy Online | Nutrition values | Recipes

Choosing rice for idlli important one because after cooking idli will be hard. so we can’t eat well. before grained rice we want to choose  Which rice is best for idli?  UDHAIYAM brand idle rice is the best and suitable for grinding rice for idli.  They people specially select rice for idli. Would you like to buy UDHAIYAM Rice, easy way to order here and I can delivery in free delivery.

They provide rice in 1kg pack and 5kg pack. I share how to make idli in step by step and I think it’s very useful for breakfast recipe.

Nutritional Information

Percent daily values based on a 2000 calories diet your daily values may be higher or lower depending on you calories need.

Serving Size  – 1kg

Calories 2000            2000

Total fat            Less than                    65g                             80g

Sat fat                Less than                    20g                            25g

Cholesterol      Less than                 300mg                      300mg

Sodium             Less than                  3,400mg                   2400mg

Total Carbohydrate                        300mg                     375mg

Dietary Fiber                                            25g                          30g

Calories per gram

Fat 9                                 Carbohydrate 4                             protein 4

UDHAIYAM Idli Rice recipe

  • In this Recipe, the method of making idle by udhiyam brand, idle rice and urid dhal. UDHAIYAM Idli Rice and Udhyaiam urid dhal are used to make the idli Softer. Very first, rice and the urad dal wants to rinsed a couple of times with water. Then, the both soaked separately for 5 to 6 hours. Second step, urad dal wants to ground to a soft, fluffy batter. Then, rice to be semi-fine consistency. Now we mix the both batters.  Use table top stone grinder, that gives to make a fluffy idli batter. thirdly, mixed batter is kept to overnight or for 8 to 9 hours or more till the batter doubles or triples in volume having a pleasant sour aroma. Finally Special pans are want to used for steam the idli. The batter is poured in the pan and then steamed. Check wheatear the idly like cooked cake or not. After, cooked serve with your favorite chantey or sambar.

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